For now this list is in the "page construction" phase, but in the future may be a bit cleaner and maybe even alphabetized
- The Great Quote Project
· I am part of the fellowship of the unashamed. The dye has been cast. I have stepped over the line. The decision has been made; I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. I won't look back, let up, slow down, or be still. My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, and my future is secure. I'm finished and done with low living, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tinted visions, worldly talking, cheap giving, and dwarfed goals. I no longer need pre-eminence, positions, promotions, plaudits, or popularity. I don't have to be right, first recognized, praised, regarded, or rewarded. I now live by faith, lean on His presence, walk with patience, am lifted up in prayer, and labor with power. My face is set, my goal is heaven. My road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions few, my guide is reliable, my mission is clear. I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, divided or delayed, will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of the adversary, negotiate at the table with the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity. I won't give up, shut up, or let up until I have stayed up, stored up, and paid up for the case of Christ. I must go till He comes, give till I drop, preach till all know, and work till He stops me and when He returns for His own He will have no problem recognizing me. - --Elder Henry B. Eyring
· If you work hard it’s easy. If you work easy, it’s hard. –Elder Beau Hobson
· Fake it ‘til you make it. –Elder Kartchner
· When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
· I may not have walked the straight and narrow, but I tried to cross it as often as I could. –J. Golden Kimball
· Even when you’re not there for yourself, [Christ] will be. He’s your biggest fan. –Greyson Bankhead
· If you don’t invest very much, winning won’t mean very much. And losing doesn’t hurt very much. President Jonathan Bunker
· To Choose Christ is to choose to change. – President Jonathan Bunker
· What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say. –Ralph Waldo Emerson
· 2 men can do anything as long as 1 of them is the Lord. –Neil L. Anderson
· The major work of the world is not done by geniuses. It is done by ordinary people, with balance in their lives, who have learned to work in an extraordinary manner. –Gordon B. Hinckley
· Life gives to all the choice. You can satisfy yourself with mediocrity if you wish. You can be common, ordinary, dull colorless; or you can channel your life so that it will be clean, vibrant, progressive, useful, colorful, rich. You can soil your record, defile your soul, trample underfoot virtue, honor, and goodness, and thus forfeit and exaltation in the kingdom of God. Or you can be righteous, commanding the respect and admiration of associates in all walks of life, and enjoying the love of the Lord. Your destiny is in your hands and your all- important decisions are your own to make. (Abraham 1:2) –Spencer W. Kimball
· Our challenge is not getting the Lord to speak to us; it is hearing what He has to say. –Sis. Berbert
· You can’t matter much when you’re merged with your mattress. –John Bytheway.
· I always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific. –Lily Tomlin
· Formula W: Work Will Win When Wishy Washy Wishing Won’t. –Thomas S. Monson
· Many people die with their music still in them. Why is this so? Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out. –Oliver Wendell Holmes
· FEAR- False Expectations Appearing Real.· A lot of kneeling will keep you in good standing. –Bishop H. David Burton
· Do it! Do it Right!! Do it Right Now!!! – President Gordon B. Hinckley
· The gift of the Holy Spirit quickens all the intellectual faculties, increases, enlarges, expands and purifies all the natural passions and affections; and adapts them, by the gift of wisdom, to their lawful use. It inspires, develops, cultivates and matures all the fine-toned sympathies, joys, tastes, kindred feelings and affections of our nature. It inspires virtue, kindness, goodness tenderness, gentleness and charity. It develops beauty of person, form and features. It tends to health, vigor, animation, and social feeling. It develops and invigorates all the faculties of the physical and intellectual man. It strengthens, invigorates, and gives tone to the nerves. In short, it is, as it were, marrow to the bone, joy to the heart, light to the eyes, music to the ears, and life to the whole being. –Parley P. Pratt
· Who am I? Who are you? You and I are sons and daughters of the most noble lineage that ever came upon this earth. More than that, we are all sons and daughters of a heavenly power. May I, with that glimpse of understanding of who we are, paraphrase those words and say to you, children of Zion, sons and daughters of noble lineage, youth, men and women, I plead with you with all the power of my soul, Be loyal to the royal within you. –Harold B. Lee
· Why isn’t the only risk in the mission field that of pneumonia, from being soaking wet all day and all night in the baptismal font? –Jeffrey R. Holland
· The Atonement will carry you missionaries perhaps even more importantly than it will carry the investigators. When you struggle, when you are rejected, when you are spit upon, and cast out and made a hiss and a byword, you are standing with the best life this world has ever known, the only pure and perfect life ever lived. You have reason to stand tall and be grateful that the Living Son of the Living God knows all about your sorrows and afflictions. The only way to salvation is through Gethsemane and on to Calvary. The only way to eternity, is through Him- the Way, the Truth, and the Life. –Jeffrey R. Holland
· When obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation; instead of a stumbling block, it becomes a building block…Obedience leads to true freedom. The more we obey revealed truth, the more we become liberated. –James E. Faust
· The good news of the gospel is good news to me not because it promises that other people who are better than I am can be saved, but because it promises that I can be saved- wretched, inadequate, and imperfect me. And until I accept that possibility, I have not really accepted the good news of the gospel. –Stephen E. Robinson
· You can often gauge a man’s ambition by whether he hates his alarm clock or considers it his best friend. –Thomas Edison
· Our only concern should be to do better than we did yesterday. Step by step is the law of growth. God does not expect the acorn to be a mighty oak before it has been a sapling. –George E. Carpenter
· If you are not afraid to face the music, you may get to lead the band someday. – Edwin H. Stuart
· Working- Doing the job the required way for the required number of hours.Efficiency- Doing the required job well.Effectiveness- Doing the RIGHT job, and doing it well.Creative Muscle- Actively applying creativity and hard work to find new solutions to ongoing problems and situations.Leadership- Figuring out what is the next thing that should be done, and getting on with it (Alma 18:8-10) –R. Dale Jeffrey
· Even if the Church weren’t true, it would still be the best way to raise a righteous family unto our Heavenly Father. This is the “common sense” approach to understanding the gospel. –Gifford Nielson
· TRIUMPH usually comes from putting a little more “umph” into your “try” –Thomas S. Monson
· Life is like a game of tennis; the player who serves well seldom loses. –Anonymous
· The Lord doesn’t ask about our inabilities or abilities. He only asks about our availabilities. If we show our dependability, He will help us in our capability. –Neal A. Maxwell
· An open mind, like an open window, should be screened to keep the bugs out. –Virginia Hutchinson
· A switch, says the old railroader, has put many a delinquent on the right track. –Anonymous
· A goal is nothing more than a dream with a due date. –Joseph Fielding McConkie
· One would truly need a great and spacious makeup kit to compete with beauty as portrayed in media all around us. –Jeffrey R. Holland
· Your mission is preparation. It is your school for eternity. You won’t forget that, will you? This mission is not just a 2 year stretch. This is the time when you cultivate the seeds of godhood so that you can help other people on their way toward exaltation. How small are we who think of the mission as just being a stretch of time, some physical things to do, a little studying to do, some praying. This is the most purposeful thing, perhaps, you have ever done in your life and possibly the most purposeful thing that some of you will ever do. It’s up to you to let this be the prelude to your life, to let it be the beginning of a great and glorious life. –Spencer W. Kimball
· Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of - throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself. - C.S Lewis
· My Temple
My body is a Temple, of which I have but one,
I got it from my God above of whom I am His son.
I'll care for it and treat it right and make it last a while,
I'll use it well for those I love; My god, My wife, My child.
-Brady Anderson· ABC’s of missionary work: Attitude, Behavior, Companion· We may not all be George Frederic Handel, But every meaningful experience we ever have has a song that accompanies it. And we write it in our hearts. Our favorite songs that other people write are the ones that come closest to sounding like the ones we have inside us. –Uncle John “The Forgotten Carols”· We were talking about inspiration- where it comes from, why it comes, how it changes us. And he spoke of a time when he felt completely uninspired, without direction, lost. And then he had a dream. –Uncle John “The Forgotten Carols”· If we truly understood the Atonement and the eternal value of each soul, we would seek out the wayward boy and girl and every other wayward child of God. We would help them to know of the love Christ has for them. We would do all that we can to help prepare them to receive the saving ordinances of the gospel…The irony of the Atonement is that it is infinite and eternal, yet it is applied individually, one person at a time. –M. Russell Ballard “The Atonement and the Value of One Soul”· Are we really nurturing our youth and our new members in a way that will sustain them when the stresses of life appear? Or are we giving them a kind of theological Twinkie- spiritually empty calories? – Jeffrey R. Holland· The only way you can know there isn’t a God is to search every corner of the universe and if you did that, you’d be God. –Elder Jenkins· Men and women who turn their lives over to God will discover that He can make a lot more out of their lives than they can. He will deepen their joys, expand their vision, quicken their minds, strengthen their muscles, lift their spirits, multiply their blessings, increase their opportunities, comfort their souls, raise up friends, and pour out peace. Whoever will lose his life in the service of God will find eternal life. –President Ezra Taft Benson· If during those early hours, the missionaries go to read the scriptures and pray, they will have some feelings of who they are and that will change what they want and then that will change what they do. And the Holy Ghost will go as their companion. –Henry B. Eyring· Happiness is the object and design of our existence; and it will be the end thereof, if we pursue the path that leads to it; and this path is virtue, uprightness, faithfulness, holiness, and keeping all the commandments of God.- Joseph Smith· The Lord says ‘Give me all. I don’t want so much of your time, so much of your talents and money, and so much o f your work; I want You. All of you. I have not come to torment or frustrate the natural man, but to kill it. No half-measures will do. I don’t want to only prune a branch here and another there; rather, I want the whole tree out. Hand it all over to me, the whole outfit, all of your desires, all of your wants and wishes and dreams. Turn them all over to me, give yourself to me and I will make of you a new self in my image. Give me yourself and in exchange I will give you Myself. My will, shall become your will. My heart shall become your heart. –C.S Lewis· I find that when I get casual in my relationship with divinity and when it seems that no divine ear is listening and no divine voice is speaking that I am far, far away. If I immerse myself in the scriptures, the distance narrows and spirituality returns. I find myself loving more intensely those whom I must love with all my heart and mind and strength. –Spencer W. Kimball· The direction we are moving is more important than our degree of perfection. –Howard W. Hunter· Life is like music for its own sake. We are living in an eternal now, and when we listen to music we are not listening to the past, we are not listening to the future, we are listening to an expanded present. –Alan Watts· Missionary work is not just one of the 88 keys on a piano that is occasionally played; it is a major chord in a compelling melody that needs to be played continuously throughout our lives if we are to remain in harmony with our commitment to Christianity and the gospel of Jesus Christ. –Quentin L. Cook· Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. You have opportunities every day, and if you’re not prepared for them, they’re just going to pass you by. –Wally Joyner· Pro football is like nuclear warfare. There are no winners, only survivors. –Frank Gifford· Did I win? Did I love? Those are the wrong questions. The correct answer is: Did I make my best effort? That’s what matters. The rest of it just gets in the way. In classical times, the courageous struggle for a noble cause was considered success in itself. Sadly, that ideal has been forgotten. But it is well worth remembering. –John Wooden· College football is a sport that bears the same relation to education that bullfighting does to agriculture. –Elbert Hubbard· After intensive study and contemplation, I have reached this conclusion: “YOU CAN’T GET OUT OF LIFE ALIVE!” So why not enjoy it to the utmost?you can die in the bleachers or you can die on the field, so you might as well get out on the field of life and have a good time! Enjoy the grand adventure. Make it the most positively charged experience possible. –Les Brown· Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere. Leave No Doubt. –Football team Motto· We must be ready to allow ourselves to be interrupted by God. –Dietrich Bonhoeffer· The Cowboy Code1. Live each Day with Courage2. Take pride in your work3. Always finish what you start4. Do what has to be done5. Be tough, but fair6. When you make a promise, keep it7. Ride for the brand8. Talk less and say more9. Remember that some things aren’t for sale10. Know where to draw the line· As important as it was for [the people of 3rd Nephi] to touch the Savior, it was as important, if not more, to know that the Savior touched them. –Another Testament· A religion that does not require the sacrifice of all things, never has power sufficient to produce the faith necessary unto life and salvation.· Brethren, the spirit of this work is urgency, and we must imbe our missionaries and members with the spirit of growth. We must move more rapidly. We must take things up a notch. If we have to call down miracles of angels, then call them down. The drama is unfolding and we must do whatever it takes to ratchet up the work... I fell an incredible burden of urgency. I feel such a sense of urgency in my chest, I can hardly breathe. Every dispensation begins with a vision. We must have a vision. We are the church that dreams dreams. We are the church that has visions. We must believe in miracles. We must believe and build on what our forefathers have done. We are just going to putter along, be average- until wind up to the level when our heart is up in our throat and if we opened our eyes, we would expect to see angels...if this is God's work, and if He still lives, then the miracles and angels are still there. We must live up to our potential. God will bless us with whatever we need. God wants us to just see what He sees and know what He knows. He wants us to ratchet up the vision. God is easy to please and hard to satisfy...This is not convenient, easy work. We have got to take things to the edge. We have to move into the realm of the miraculous. We have to live in such a way that we cannot do it alone anymore- where we will resort to the Lord- where we will cry, 'without thy help, I will fall. Help me fly.' Go to the edge where miracles happen. Move into the realm of the miraculous. Wlecome to the apostolic work. -Jeffrey R. Holland· Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. -Buddha· It is a puzzling thing. The truth knocks on the door and you say, 'Go away, I'm looking for the truth,' and so it goes away. Puzzling. -Robert M. Pirsig· Nothing is more simple than greatness; indeed, to be simple is to be great. -Ralph Waldo Emerson· The least initial deviation from the truth is multiplied later a thousand fold. –Aristotle· The art of living…is neither careless drifting on the one hand nor fearful clinging to the past on the other. It consists in being sensitive to each moment, in regarding it as utterly new and unique, in having the mind open and wholly receptive. –Alan Watts· If you want to see the heroic, look at those who can love in return for hatred. If you want to see the brave, look for those who can forgive. –Bhagavad Gita· Sometimes we let our thoughts of tomorrow take up too much of today. Daydreaming of the past and longing for the future may provide comfort but will not take the place of living in the present. This is the day of our opportunity, and we must grasp it. –Thomas S. Monson· You can’t Be Big when you Belittle. –Me· -