“With so many social media resources and a multitude of more or less useful gadgets at our disposal, sharing the good news of the gospel is easier and the effects more far-reaching than ever before.”
—President Uchtdorf
Alright so for all those that didn't make it to the Preach My Gospel Fireside (in Napa) or for those that just want to check this out, here's the powerpoint and handout for Sharing the Gospel online. We know that this will be a great tool to use to spread the gospel farther and more effectively than ever before.
This page is still under "construction", but I just wanted to get it out there for those that might be wondering where the heck this powerpoint is that we promised. Sorry about the wait! Enjoy and Please post feedback, questions, or comments! We love you and pray for you to have success in spreading the gospel. Remember that the worth of every soul is great in the eyes of God and how great your joy will be if even only one person accepts your invitation.
The Powerpoint:
Please follow this link to access the powerpoint.
Fishing where the Fish are
If you were a fisherman, where would you fish? Would you fish in the Salt Lake (a lake nonetheless, but there's no fish there...)? Or would you fish in a lake with an abundance of fish? The answer seems pretty obvious. If you want to catch some fish, you better fish where the fish are!
The Savior has called us to be "Fisher's of Men". So where are the fish? Check out this video to find out!
So where are the fish at? Online! And so if we're going to catch us some fish, we better go to where they're at.
Get Yur Pole and Bait and Let's Go Fishin'!
So if you're going fishing, what do you use to catch the fish? A bow and arrow? Your Grandpa's 22 shot gun? Your little sisters new jump rope? (hey, don't make fun, back when I was a kid girls still got jump ropes for their birthdays. I know they ask for cell phones now, but those didn't sound like a good analogy)
You don't use any of those things right? I mean, you could, but would it be effective? Probably not. The best tool for the job is a fishing pole. A device designed to catch fish.
And so it is with Sharing the Gospel online. If we want to interest people in the gospel we had better be where they are and use the tools that have been designed to be the most effective.
For More Information On How You Can Share the Gospel Online Go to http://lds.org/church/share?lang=eng
For More Information On How You Can Share the Gospel Online Go to http://lds.org/church/share?lang=eng